Spell Aid FAQ page

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you get the most out of Spell Aid we’ve put together the answers to some common questions.

General questions

Spell Aid is available on the Apple app store.

Get Spell Aid on the Apple app store

At this moment in time Spell Aid is only available on Apple devices. However our team of developers are working hard at completing the Android version. Connect with us on Social media and we will keep you updated with our forthcoming developments.

Yes, please click HERE to download the Spell Aid user guide.

Using Spell Aid

In order to reduce the number of results while searching, go to the settings menu and turn off “Show Compound Words”


  • Open settings on your apple device.
  • Select General
  • Select Accessibility
  • Select Speech
  • Make sure “Speak Selection” and ” Speak Screen” are turned on.

Return back to the Spell Aid app and you now have two options to have the definitions read out loud.

Option 1;
Swipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen and your device will automatically start reading out loud the definition.

Option 2;
Hold down and select the text you wish to have read out, select the option called “Speak”.

No. You can use any combination of the three fields to help you find the words you are looking for.

Please note;

  1. That any letters placed in the first field will produce a list words that begin with those letters.
  2. That any letters placed in the third field will produce a list words that end with those letters.

The Contains In Order setting will reveal the list of words that contain the letters within the ‘Contains field’ in the order of the letters.

  • E.g. If a user types in “nsecry” into the Contains field, the word “necessary” will not be revealed as a result.
  • E.g. If a user types in “necsry” into the Contains field, the word “necessary” will be revealed as a result.

The Contains In Any Order setting will reveal the list of words that contain the letters within the ‘Contains field’ regardless of the order of the letters.

  • E.g. If a user types in “nsecry” into the Contains field, the word “necessary” will be revealed as a result.

Education and training questions

Yes. Spell Aid has been approved as a valuable resource for students undergoing the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) program and can therefore be awarded by assessors.

Yes. We are currently in the process of putting together a number of webinar dates. These will be designed to give you a more in depth view of Spell Aid and how it can assist students in the learning process as well as provide a contribution to your CPD requirements.

Sign up to our form on the Assessors page and we will keep you informed.

Yes. We fully understand that it is the AT trainers who have the majority of direct contact with students. Therefore as well as putting together a number of webinar dates, we are also looking into how we can offer accreditation as well as contribution to CPD requirements for trainers who have taken part.

Sign up to our form on the Assessors page and we will keep you informed.

Student questions

If you are a student undergoing the DSA process, you can discuss with your DSA Needs Assessor whether Spell Aid can be made available to you.

The Spell Aid app is available to non DSA students on the Apple app Store.

Get Spell Aid on the Apple app store

If you are a higher education student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) if you have a disability, including a:

  • specific learning difficulty, eg dyslexia
  • visual stress related, eg Visual Dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome
  • long-term health condition
  • mental health condition

There is a government website dedicated to outlining the requirements for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs)

License and Purchasing questions

All Apps purchased on the App Store are subject to the Apple iTunes End User License Agreement (EULA) and Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions that are agreed to prior to making App Store purchases.
A portion of the Terms and Conditions states the following;
  • If you are an individual acting in your personal capacity, you may download and sync an App Store Product for personal, noncommercial use on any iOS Device you own or control.
  • Individuals acting on behalf of a commercial enterprise, governmental organisation or educational institution (an “Enterprise”) may download and sync Apps for use by either (i) a single individual on one or more devices owned or controlled by an Enterprise; or (ii) multiple individuals on a single shared device owned or controlled by an Enterprise. For the sake of clarity, each device used serially or collectively by multiple users requires a separate licence.
In basic terms
Individuals at home: You need to buy one license of an app per iTunes account and can then use that app on all of the iOS devices you own or control and sync with that iTunes account.
Commercial enterprise or educational institution: You need to buy one license of an app for each iOS device if that device is used by multiple users or one license of an app per user if that user is using multiple iOS devices.

Multiple purchases can be acquired as a bundle for your educational or charitable organisation. Contact us for more information.

If you still require help please click here to contact us.

Type of Question
